Endurance Riding

Annie Frechin

Annie Frechin - France - Endurance Rider / Horses competed by Annie Frechin include Scratch Du Causse, Nego & Katfire Des Brougues Annie Frechin
The barn has three 10x10 stalls, a tack room, a center aisle, and a work area. There is electricity as well as hot and cold running water.

The barn was made mostly from the lumber taken from a house that was formerly located on the property, built in the early 1890`s. In the year 2000, the old house was taken apart piece by piece and used to assemble this barn.

The area around the barn is shaded by an oak tree estimated to be more than 200 years old with a trunk more than 6` in diameter and a breadth of more than 100 feet.

Annie Frechin